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Star # Adopted for Link
KIC 011228802 Antonio and Catherine :) View Star
KIC 001433760 JunXiu-L View Star
EPIC 205889250 斯斯 View Star
EPIC 205944213 YZ20200107 View Star
EPIC 206082623 Zhou Ruyi View Star
EPIC 206104778 View Star
EPIC 206122412 View Star
KIC 003547315 View Star
KIC 009896435 View Star
KIC 008647309 View Star
KIC 008386048 View Star
KIC 009650712 Hu Jiaxi View Star
EPIC 220299658 View Star
EPIC 211010071 Nicole View Star
EPIC 201880016 CharlieL♡AnnieZ View Star

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